Friday, July 22, 2011

Camp NaNoWriMo - Day 22: Fried

I had a feeling two chapters was overly ambitious.  I managed one chapter, close to 3000 words, and now I'm done for the night.  I have at least three chapters left, possibly four.  The current plan is to get up at my normal time, 4:30 am, tomorrow and try to get a chapter in before I visit my parents.  We'll see if that happens.  I'm thinking about bringing my laptop or possibly my flash drive to my parents' tomorrow in case the visit gets stretched like last week.

I had some ideas about last minute treachery earlier that I'll work into the final chapters.  Theresa, my co-worker that traditionally gets to read my NaNoWriMos while they're in process, is going to be pissed at me at the end.  The nuns are her favorite characters and she keeps asking me if they're going to get killed.  I almost teared up last night during a particularly emotional scene. 

Eyes tired.  Time to go to bed.

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